Adjective Definition:

The adjective is a word that describes, modifies a noun or pronoun in a sentence. 
It gives us some extra information about nouns and pronouns for example

1. The pretty girl is walking alone.
2. The cute baby smiled at me.
3. The black cat ran away.

Pretty, cute, and black are adjectives that modify the noun(girl, baby, cat ).In these examples, the adjective comes before a noun but sometimes it comes after a verb. i.e

1. They drink green tea.
2. The question is interesting.
3. She smells nice.

In the above example adjective(green, interesting, and nice came after the verb.

Adjectives are also used to modify pronouns.
1. She is intelligent.
2. He is handsome.
3. I thought it was expensive.
in the above sentences he, she, it is the pronoun.


There are 8 types of adjectives.
  • Descriptive 
  • Demonstrative
  • Proper 
  • Quantitative
  • Numeral adjective
  • Possessive
  • Interrogative
  • Articles

1. Descriptive Adjectives:

 As the name shows, they describe nouns or pronouns.
They have further two types.

 a) Attributive:

Attributive adjectives are adjectives that come adjacent to the noun, they modify. Mostly they come before the noun.

  • She has a small bag.
  • He collects precious stones.
  • The lady has blue eyes.       

  b) Predicative:

These adjectives come after the noun and follow a linking verb.
  • The bag is small.
  • The apples are red.
  • The mobile is expensive.

In these sentences, adjectives came after the linking verb is and are.

2. Demonstrative Adjectives:

These adjectives are used to describe the position of nouns or pronouns. They indicate the specific nouns or pronouns.
This, that, these, those are demonstrative adjectives. They come before the noun or pronoun.

  • These are the books I bought yesterday.
  • That boy is playing after a long time.
  • I gift this bracelet to my friend.
  • I like that song.

3. Proper Adjectives:

These are the adjectives formed by Proper nouns or pronouns. When a Proper noun modifies another noun or pronoun it becomes an adjective.
i.e  American president, Italian food, Urdu poetry.

  • Sarah loves Chinese food.
  • Harry is learning French.
  • You have an American accent.

4. Quantitative Adjectives:

These Adjectives indicate the quantity of a noun or pronoun. They give the answer to questions like "how many" and "how much". a lot, many, a few, some, enough, etc. are some quantitative adjectives.

  • He pours some tea into his mug.
  • She has so many friends in the hostel.
  • Most of the students don't like grammar class.
  • You have enough money to buy a new car.
  • Here are a few examples.
  • I have a lot to share but he was in hurry.

5. Numeral Adjectives:

These adjectives tell us about the number of nouns or pronouns in a sentence. They also describe the order or position of nouns.
i.e one cap, fifty books, first position, tenth grade, last episode, etc 

There are three types of numeral adjectives.
 Numeral;  one, first, three, second, etc

Indefinite;  some, many, all, few, etc

Distributive;  they tell something about a group.
i.e each, every, either, neither, any, etc   

6.  Possessive Adjectives:

These adjectives show possession or ownership of someone or something. These adjectives are always followed by a noun.
my, yours, ours, his, her, mine, their 

  • All the team members came with their ideas.
  • He donates his property to a welfare trust.
  • You didn't show me your house.
  • She is typing on her mobile.

7. Interrogative Adjectives:

These adjectives are used to form a question. They come before nouns or pronouns and modify them.  Which, whose, and what are interrogative adjectives. (If they are not immediately followed by a noun or pronoun, they are not adjectives)  

  • What language do you want to learn?
  • Whose mobile was left in the car?
  • Which player is your favorite?


Articles are also known as adjectives. A, an, the are three articles and they all are adjectives too. These articles describe nouns in a sentence.

  • I bought a new laptop.
  • He is the owner of this shop.
  • She is writing an article.

Degrees of Adjectives:

Every adjective has three degrees.
  • positive
  • comparative
  • superlative
  • He is tall.
  • He is taller than his brother.
  • He is the tallest boy in his family.
 You can check your knowledge of Adjective here.

Video Transcription

Choose the Adjective from each of the following groups.

Group 1
  anger      selfish     angry

Group 2
  destroy    noisy      baby

Group 3
   dull         bed        attack

Group 4
   left          rod        calm

Group 5
  address  attractive  desire

Group 6
 strange    approve   laid

Group 7
 balance   revenge   lucky

Group 8
 enough    find         roof

Group 9
 world      abuse      brave

Group 10
 heard     nature      powerful

answers are 
1. angry, selfish
2. noisy
3. dull
4. calm
5. attractive
6. strange
7. lucky
8. enough
9. brave
10. powerful